
Daisypath Ticker

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Spare a quarter? Anyone?

This has been my day so far…

I woke up at 5:45. I needed to leave the house by 5:45. Alarm clock is set for 6:45. (expletive!)

I am running around the house, yelled at Scott about the alarm clock, trying to get ready.
Scott says "Do you need any money?" I sneer back "NO!" (a 'la Count Olaf), and run out the door.

I get to Broadway station, look in my purse and…….(expletive!) I have no cash.

I contemplate begging for the $2.00 that I need to get out of the parking garage.

I call Scott, and he agrees to come into town and bring me money. He gets there in 25 minutes (a record!), is sweet to me and doesn’t give me any crap for being a troll to him earlier.

He is the greatest.

Let’s hope it gets better from here.

Even if it doesn't, I know I am going to marry the greatest guy in the world... (I know..Barf)

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Cruel joke

Holy crap it’s snowing again.



Remember when you asked your friend to pray for there to be snow when you guys came for Christmas?

Tell her she can stop now.


Tuesday, January 25, 2005

People are unbelievable sometimes...

Over the past 2 days, 1200 people have called looking for their newspaper. My response is: "How do you know it’s not there? It could be there. There’s 3 freakin’ feet of snow on the ground!" Geez, people. Priorities.

Monday, January 24, 2005


I am amazed. 34 inches of snow. And wouldn’t you know, I didn’t need to scrape my windshield or sweep any snow off my car. It all blew off. Unfortunately, quite a bit of it blew up under my hood, and something is frozen in the engine somewhere. The car starts to shudder when I go faster than 50 mph. I made it back to the train station, where I will leave my car and just take the subway and the bus back home. Thank God for public transportation.

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Oh, this is baaaaaaaaaaad.....

Oh my….. My boss and I tried to carpool from the hotel to the plant. We got 10 feet away from the entrance and got stuck. A Good Samaritan took us the ½ mile to the plant, and from there it just got worse and worse. I ended up coming right back to the hotel for another night’s stay. I got a ride with the man who plows the parking lot and he couldn’t get down the road that the hotel was on. He dropped me off at the main road, and I walked the 200+ yards back to the hotel. In thigh deep snow, 65 mph winds, and no visibility. The abandoned cars in the road helped me make my way back to the hotel (including my boss’ car – which was still stuck, 4 hours later). It’s going to be a long week…

Saturday, January 22, 2005

This is not good...

I left the house at 4 this afternoon, and it is snowing like all holy hell outside. This reminds me – I HATE people who drive SUV’s. I was trying to get to work (Yes, I had to go the office before I could go to the hotel) and I was trying to get across the (frozen) overpass and take the exit – the long curved exit with the icy crust – and some yahoo in a stupid SUV came barreling past me and scared the crap out of me! Hate those stupid things. HAY! SUV DRIVERS! SLOW THE HECK DOWN!!!

Friday, January 21, 2005

Traveling in my future!

Yep, I’ll be working over the weekend. My boss wants me to stay in a hotel Saturday night so I won’t have any problems being in for Sunday. Nothing like a nice hotel room with a king sized bed paid for by the company. Scott won’t mind at all – in fact, with his new Game Cube, I doubt he’ll even notice I'm gone! Hee...

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Is my life really this boring?

Today was a pretty slow day – didn’t do much interesting. There is a storm in the forecast – and I may need to work over the weekend. Drat.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Weight Watchers

I rejoined tonight. My goal is to lose 50 pounds by July. It was be amazingly hard work, but I am committed to being healthier and looking cute in my wedding dress! And I am counting on all of you to keep me honest and give me positive energy! I’ll post my progress here as well, so there will be accountability all over the place!

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

American Idol

I am addicted to this show! The best part, of course, is the incredible awful singers! At least I KNOW I can’t sing! I was also happy to see that jerk get eliminated from The Amazing Race. Actually, I was glad to see both of them go. Because as much of a jerk that he was, she was equally annoying with her constant whining and crying. Sheesh! I’m glad they’re gone!

Monday, January 17, 2005

Game Cube

On the way home from the movie yesterday, we stopped at Best Buy. Scott has been wanting to get a game console, and he decided to use some of the $$ he got for Christmas to buy it. His big dilemma was which console to buy? After watching countless reviews of games on X-Play (and he assures me it has nothing to do with Morgan Webb), he decided on Game Cube. The console came as a bundle pack (Thanks, Angie, for the head’s up!), with Metroid Prime as the game. He’s hooked!

Sunday, January 16, 2005

Day of fun!

Lemony Snicket Since today I get to travel the T for free, we decided to go to into town to a matinee, to see Lemony Snicket. I have been listening to the books on CD, and I just finished the Ersatz Elevator. It’ a children’s book, but it is written in a way that adults can appreciate it as well. My biggest concern with the movie was that it would give things away that I had not discovered from the books yet, but that was not the case. I really enjoyed it!

Saturday, January 15, 2005

Old Chapel, new friends

We went to Mass at the chapel we will be getting married at today. It is the oldest chapel in the Boston Diocese (built in 1818), and it is listed as a national historic monument. It was lovely, but very small. After mass, we spoke to the priest and scheduled out date, then he gave us information about something called an Engagement Retreat. I think it will be fun! After our meeting, we went to one of Scott’s work friends’ house for dinner. I enjoyed getting together with them, and it will be great to have new friends who actually live pretty close!

Friday, January 14, 2005


I’m back from my conference. The colleague who made us 20 minutes late to our meeting yesterday had a suspicious doctor’s appointment today and had to leave at 1PM. Hmmmm…..

Evening to myself

Scott went out with his friends tonight, so I had the house to myself. I worked a bit on a cross stitch Christmas ornament and then snuggled on the couch and watched TV. It was a lovely, quiet evening.

Thursday, January 13, 2005


As I expected, we were late for out meeting today. One person in our group apparently couldn’t get out of bed this morning and we ended up being 20 minutes late. The kicker is the fact that when the people called us wondering where we were, my boss said we got turned around on the way to the office and that was why we were late. So much for professionalism…

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

NY, here I come!

I’m on my way New York today for work. I usually enjoy conferences and meetings, but I’m not much of a big drinker, so I end up feeling really out of place and uncomfortable by the end of things. Today, we arrived at the hotel at 4PM, went to my boss’ room where my boss and 2 other colleagues had a few drinks. Then we went to the hotel bar, had a few more, then off to the restaurant for a few more, then, ha a few more with dinner. I had a total of 1 drink, but some of my colleagues had 10 or 12. After a 2 ½ hour dinner, we went back to the hotel. I went to my room (it was 9:30 and we had a long meeting scheduled for the next day), and everyone else went back to the bar. I work with a bunch of alkies! And I’m sure they thought I was a prude…

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

I have absolutely nothing to say today. I need to motivate myself to finish some stitching projects, but I just can’t seem to get it together this week! Maybe reading some stitching blogs will help me get it in gear.

Monday, January 10, 2005

Monday regrets...

Funny how Mondays have a way of making you regret being a slug the entire weekend. So many things I could have done! That’s it – no more slugging the entire weekend for me!

Sunday, January 09, 2005

Ugh! (Hiding...)

I should be ashamed of myself! Day 2 of being a complete lazy slug! Good thing Scott is here or I’d starve!

Saturday, January 08, 2005

No salt, please...

I’m a slug. I have barely made it off the couch today! I should get up and do something, but I feel icky and have no motivation.

Friday, January 07, 2005


I’m glad it’s Friday. I need the weekend to rest and relax from the holidays!

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Small world...

Scott and I watch the Daily Show every night after dinner. It has become a bit of a ritual. Tonight, we watched as usual, and Mad TV always comes on after it. At this point, we usually turn to the Food channel to watch Unwrapped, but this time, we were talking and left it on. At the end of the opening credits where they show a photo and the name of the players, I recognized a name. I was instantly intrigued, and insisted on watching the entire show, yearbook in hand. I went to high school with this guy! I was in plays with this guy! (I had a HUGE crush on this guy!) (Not that he would know me from Adam, but he DID sign my yearbook.)

Okay, geek attack over. But, he did a pretty funny impression of Jay Leno. And he’s still very cute! Sigh…

So, everybody watch Mad TV!

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

The wedding blog

A few of you have asked me to start a wedding blog. Well, here it is. This weekend, Scott and I are going to the mass at the chapel we would like to be married at, and speak to the priest. Hopefully, it will hold 75 people.

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Stitching update

My first day back to work was pretty good, but I would much rather stay home and stitch the new projects I picked up over the holidays. I think I’m going to go through all my stash and pull out all my WIP’s and try to get some of those finished up this year. Believe it or not, most of them are just waiting for back stitching and finishing. I hate back stitching!

Monday, January 03, 2005


I took today off to rest. Boy, did I need it! I have grocery shopping to do, plus I need to get a gift certificate for my future niece – I ran out of time before Christmas! Not looking forward to going back to work!

Sunday, January 02, 2005

A Christmas Miracle!

I spent New Year’s day in the car (7 hours of driving) and in the city of Boston, but I got to share the touristing duties with a friend of my brother – in – law. My sister and her family go back home today. If you want to know what’s going on (or, rather, what went on), go here. It was, in fact, a Christmas miracle!

Saturday, January 01, 2005

My day...

Drive, drive, drive.....visit, visit,......drive, drive, drive....bus, subway...meet, greet.....wait, wait....meet, greet......walk, talk, walk, talk......eat, eat, eat.....walk, talk, walk, talk....subway, bus......snore!