
Daisypath Ticker

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Small world...

Scott and I watch the Daily Show every night after dinner. It has become a bit of a ritual. Tonight, we watched as usual, and Mad TV always comes on after it. At this point, we usually turn to the Food channel to watch Unwrapped, but this time, we were talking and left it on. At the end of the opening credits where they show a photo and the name of the players, I recognized a name. I was instantly intrigued, and insisted on watching the entire show, yearbook in hand. I went to high school with this guy! I was in plays with this guy! (I had a HUGE crush on this guy!) (Not that he would know me from Adam, but he DID sign my yearbook.)

Okay, geek attack over. But, he did a pretty funny impression of Jay Leno. And he’s still very cute! Sigh…

So, everybody watch Mad TV!


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