
Daisypath Ticker

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

We made it!

Scott and I finally got to this store today! It was smaller than I imagined, but there were a lot of beautiful things to look at! There were so many finished pieces on the wall, it inspired me to get out my WIP and think about finishing some things up! (I HATE BACKSTITCHING!)

The owner was...well....odd. When I told her I was originally from Maine, she said I was the most feminine woman she had ever met from Maine. If I had been offended by that statement, I would have dropped my purchases right then and there and walked out. Like I said, it was very odd.... But, I will go back... Hee!

Monday, August 30, 2004


Scott and I went to Arlington to go to this store, but when we got halfway there (after a wrong turn, an LONG walk and a trip to the local library for help and directions, we realized they were closed on Mondays. D'OH!

We still had a good time. We went to Kitchens Etc to see if they had anything good, but it was pretty much picked clean. No good bargains there...yet

Sunday, August 29, 2004

Happy Birthday, Daddy

Today is my Father's birthday. He would have been 68. I miss him , and I am always sad for my Mom on Daddy's birthday. I will always imagine him downstairs at his work bench, making something for us kids out of whatever supplies he had on hand. He was always careful to put his own "patent" on whatever he made. He was creative like that, and admired and encouraged creativity in his kids. The 4 of us were in band or chorus or both, and that man never missed a concert. He even came to the concerts I did when I was in band in college.

Yep, I miss him.....

Saturday, August 28, 2004


First day of vacation! Yay! Scott and I went to his friend Jim's house, to frolic in the pool and eat yummy cheese burgers. Had a great time, until Scott told me the "secret" to the movie The Village. I had been wanting to see the movie since it came out. (He saw it on opening night with his friends.) Now I have no desire to see it. Or Scott, for that matter.

(He's going to complain that I am picking on him, and trying to make him feel bad. Next time, perhaps he will take ME to see the movie!)


Friday, August 27, 2004

See y'all

when I return from vacation. Look for updates on the 7th of September!

Buh bye!

Thursday, August 26, 2004


I will be going on a long needed vacation starting at 5PM Friday, and it can't come soon enough! Friday is going to be a crazy day, starting at 6AM, and I don't get out of here until 5PM! These long days are killing me...

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Big Brother

This is an open letter to my Big Brother,

Dearest Big Brutha,

Thank you for ruining my life. Since that fateful weekend I spent in Maine with our mother, I have been unable to not watch your favorite show. I remember the phone call: "Turn it on! Mom likes that show!". Mom had no idea it was on. But, alas, we turned it on.

And watched.....

Mom, of course, has since forgotten to watch. I have been unable to avoid it, no matter how hard I try. I think about it on the way to work, I think about it on the way home, when I am trying to get to sleep, when I am in the shower. On the nights that it is actually on, I obsess about making sure I stay up to watch it, terrified I will miss even the smallest snipit of information, even though it is only a recap of the previous week. It's making me absolutely nuts!

So, dear brother, I hope you can sleep at night knowing what you have done to me. I just hope I can keep from going completely insane before the new Survivor stars.

That is all.

Tuesday, August 24, 2004


I was late for work today and it is all her fault. Why do I get sucked into these? Is it because there are some people I work with whom I would secretly (and some, not so secretly) like to kick in the shins?

Monday, August 23, 2004


To me, I don't really feel at home until I have bunkered down with a craft project. Over the weekend, I was reading some cross stitch blogs(a new discovery) and I have now become motivated to log all the patterns and kits I have into a notebook. Some people log their WIP by hours worked, others go by week. I think I'll go from week to week. Now, if only I had a digital camera, then I could track my progress. (Scott! hint, hint!) Hee...

Sunday, August 22, 2004

Alecia's Wedding

My (future) niece had the most perfect day! The wedding was at the Cohasset Harbor Inn, and the music was provided by Matty B, a great performer who is very well known in New Bedford. He was just superb!

Best of luck to them both - they really had a great party!

Saturday, August 21, 2004

A 3 hour cruise...

My boss invited us to go for a ride on his boat yesterday. We went to Newport and had dinner, then came back. It was a nice ride, but to be honest, I would have rather been given the afternoon off.

On the way home, I picked this up for the bathroom. It's kinda neat, but when I showed the waste basket to a friend, her comment was "You can't throw up in that, you know." Hmmm.... Although that wasn't my biggest concern, it's good to know my friends are looking out for me.

Friday, August 20, 2004


Okay, call me crazy, but I'm pretty sure there are horrified mothers all over the country...

Thursday, August 19, 2004

Krafty Kat

I went shopping last night. Hee...

Good thing Scott is house sitting, I will have a few days to get things stashed away. I can see it now:

Scott: "Kat, is this new?"
Kat: "No, I've has that for years, I just found it while I was unpacking my crafty things"

He'll never know....er....unless he reads this.


Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Sweet = Ugly

I had a dream last night that I was sitting on my livingroom floor playing with the 2 new kitties I got for Christmas. They were jumping and playing and mewing and they were so cute! Then, Oprah came bursting through the door and said "Those are my kitties. I had them first, they obviously want to live with me, so I am taking them home, and there is nothing you can do about it, because I am famous and you are not."

I have GOT to stop eating sweet-tarts in bed.

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Warning - grossness ahead

Okay, so I have had a cough for about a week or so. Not really a cold, because I am not sniffly or anything. But there's something going on...

So yesterday morning, I'm driving to work and I start coughing. I can feel something in my throat, but I am coughing so hard I am having to keep myself from driving erratically. So, I'm still coughing, and I lift my head up and for a second I put both hands of the steering wheel and then it happens: Cough! Splat!

Yes, it finally came up and hit the steering wheel. And I swear to God, it looked like chicken fat.

And to make matters worse? I was telling Scott this story while I mas making dinner last night. And what did we have for dinner? Yep, you guessed it! Chicken...

Monday, August 16, 2004

Don't mess with this bride...

or I'll eat ya!

Busy weekend!

I spent the weekend at my Mom's in Maine. Mowed the lawn Saturday afternoon. I didn't think it looked too bad considering it had been almost a month since I mowed it last. Come to find out Mom ran around Friday afternoon with scissors cutting any weed she felt was too tall and would upset me. What a stinker.

Also went shopping for crafts (found nothing good) and groceries (found many things, cheap!). On the way back to Mom's Sunday afternoon, we stopped at the farm stand up the road to get corn. When we were kids, we would ride our bikes and get the corn. Yum! I think I'll make some corn relish with what I have left.

Got back home Sunday night at 10:30. I need a nap!

Saturday, August 14, 2004

Amy Jean Jelly Bean

Happy Birthday to my little sister, aka the dirty faced movie star.

Forgive me...

Thursday, August 05, 2004

Too little, too late

There is some stuff going on here at the office. My boss, who in the past has been known to speak to me only when he needed something, had a blowout with his assistant, who is leaving the department. She is actively trying to convince me to join her.

Is it coincidence that I am now getting public recognition for some advances I have made for the company? Praise that I should have gotten in April?

Ahhh, I'm such a cynic.

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

The "I hate you show"

That's what Scott and I call it. We have watched it from the beginning, and during each episode, one (or both) of us has had to hide under the covers because we recognize ourselves.
