
Daisypath Ticker

Thursday, February 10, 2005

I just can't stand it anymore...

Since Scott and I became engaged, it seems everyone is getting married before us!

  • Tricia (Scott's Sister) and George in May
  • Alecia (Scott's Niece) and Elee in August
  • Leslie (Scott's Sister) and Jimmy in December

Keep in mind, these 3 couples got engaged and married after Scott and I got engaged.

Even Britney Spears got married (twice!) before me!

But today is the final straw. Camilla Parker Bowles is getting married before me.

I give up!

(Note: I actually tried to post this via e-mail but it never showed up.)

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Blogging Lapse

I have not been able to post in a while. Work has been amazingly busy! Here are a few highlights:

  • Scott and I were supposed to go to a Bridal Show but we changed our minds - and instead spend the entrance fee on Bridal Magazines.
  • I went to my Mom's house this weekend and had a glorious time shopping and relaxing at home.
  • I have lost 5.8 pounds (as of today) following the Weight Watchers Plan. I suspect much of that weight loss was the result of all the crying I did from the stresses of being hungry and accidentally not eating enough points.
  • My dear sister Amy has been a GodSend - showering me with wedding plan help and diet encouragement .
  • Work has kicked things up a notch - and I am becoming much busier - soon I'll have no life!

So, Yes, I have been a bad blogger. I'll be better. I promise!