
Daisypath Ticker

Sunday, October 31, 2004

Party Time Part Deux

As we expected, there were many more people here today. It was great, as we had tons of food leftover. I held Kaylyn (my 1 1/2 month old future niece) while everyone ate, and Scott held her for a while after. What a sweet baby!

We also had quite a few trick or treaters! I am not used to trick or treaters, from living in secured apartment buildings, but it was fun! Scott loved it - he even gave extra chocolate eyeballs to those who worked on their costumes. Such fun!

Can't wait to do it again next year!

Saturday, October 30, 2004

Party time!

Today was a marvelous day! Scott and I prepared for our party - we cooked and cooked (he made Bat...er....Chicken wings, I made Ghoulash (hee)). I also made roasted pumpkin seeds and we had a great time arranging the table. We had a few guests (3) but we are expecting more people over tomorrow night, so we'll just pack up the leftovers and save 'em for tomorrow!

Friday, October 29, 2004

Happy Halloween!

Today was our office halloween party. It has been an interesting process. Early last week, someone came around the building and tore down all the posters and put up signs that said the halloween party was cancelled due to lack of interest. Apparently, the planning committee was supposed to have a meeting and no one showed up for it except the facilitator, so she got her panties all in a bunch and cancelled it. The next day, there were new signs saying the party was back on. It has been a ridiculous series of events.

This kind of thing is typical in this company. There are large groups of people who care only for themselves, and will only do things if it is in their own best interest. I'll give you an example. We have a manager here who was serving on a committee that rewards people who show enthusiasm and committment to the company. This was formed in an "employee of the month" type of reward, where the winner gets a cash prize and a small write up in the company's quarterly newsletter. This "manager" got a friend to nominate her for employee of the month, and when she found out she would not be eligible to win because of her involvement on the committee, she resigned from the committee so she could collect her prize. I tell ya, THATS committment.

Thursday, October 28, 2004

2004 World Champions

UNBELEIVABLE! Last night, I watched the game - I had to. Because this morning I was hawking papers.

For those of you who are not in the newspaper business, hawking means going out and selling papers on the streets. You remember those old movies when the little boys would sell papes and yell "Extra, extra, read all about it!" Well, that was me today. Except for the yelling part. I spent 2 hours literally playing in traffic. I was the human version in the video game "Frogger". My post was in the middle on a busy intersection, walking up and down a 2 foot wide median strip. But, I got a free ball cap, and I sold 87 papers. It was actually kinda fun, but I wouldn't want to make a career out of it! And I only almost got hit once.

The Curse is Reversed! (And we are selling a TON of papers today!)

Wednesday, October 27, 2004


Out on the road again, today. It's interesting hearing all the comments from the Red Sox fans - they are in shock. They are very non committal about Game 4. They still are worried about jinxing it! I can understand their feelings, though. How cool would it be to FINALLY be victorious!

Tuesday, October 26, 2004


Today I was out on the road with Tony. It was an interesting experience, because I don't know him very well, and I was afraid I would have a hard time understanding him. He is originaly from Portugal, and his english is kind of broken. But, I understood him pretty well.

This being out on the road is exhausting, but it keeps me out of the office!

Monday, October 25, 2004


I hate Mondays. But, it least the Red Sox are making it easier...


Sunday, October 24, 2004


Today Scott carved our pumpkin! Actually, we kinda did it together. I scooped out the goop and he did the design. It came out pretty good for our first joint effort at punkin carving. Then, Scott worked on his own pumpkin for work and I made apple crisp. Yum!

Tonight, I will be taking the seeds I saved from the pumpkin and roasting them.

Also, welcome to my brutha! Go check him out!

Saturday, October 23, 2004


Today we got up early, had breakfast ay Mul's, and went into town. We went to here to get some books, then we came home and basically read for the rest of the day. It was a perfect way to spend a fall day!

Then we stayed up late and watched Godzilla. I have a feeling I'll probably watch them all eventually. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be!

Friday, October 22, 2004


I have been waiting for the weekend! I have to get organized for the party - it's coming up soon!

Thursday, October 21, 2004

I need a TIVO

I can't seem to handle Thursday nights anymore. I tape Joey and watch Survivor, but I always seem to forget to watch The Apprentice! Argh!

Not much time left before our Halloween party. I think perhaps this weekend we'll do a dry run with the chicken wings. Of course, you can't have chicken wings without beer! Perhaps we'll just skip the dry run and go to the L street tavern. Yeah....

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Red Sox Nation

For the next week, I will hear about nothing but the Red Sox. It's a crazy time to be living in Boston right now! Wheee!

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Yankees s*ck...

Let me preface this by saying I am not a sports fan. At all.

However, I am now of the opinion that the Yankees are evil, A-Rod is an ass (read: cheating bahstahd), and the Red Sox are gonna reverse the curse this time!

Go SOX!!!

Monday, October 18, 2004

On the road again

Today I went out on the road with another driver. I will have to make another 12 trips before I have gone out on every run. I have decided to only go out 2 days a week. That's about all the visiting I can handle.

Scott and I are working on the wedding budget. Do you think our guests will be satisfied with those cheeze and cracker packs we used to get in our lunches when we were kids?

Yeah, I didn't think so either...

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Snoozy Sunday

Today Scott and I went to Wal-Mart to get more stuff for our party. We also went to get some pumpkins! Now I have one to carve for the party and one to use as a "serving dish". You'll understand when I get the pictures back. I'm going to have my pictures developed on a CD so I can post them!

I made veggie lasagna for dinner. Because we have been cleaning and going through stuff trying to prepare for the party, I misplaced my recipe! Whoops... Good thing Mom is back fron her cruise!

Saturday, October 16, 2004

Look! It's a plane! No! It's Mom!

Today Scott and I met my Mom at the airport. She had a layover at Logan returning from her cruise. We sat and had a bite to eat while she told us all about her cruise and the things she did and saw. She had a wonderful time – she was so bubbly and full of energy, I think she could have flown home all by herself by just flapping her arms like a chicken! I could tell she was tired, though. She needed to recuperate from her vacation!

Today is sweetest day! Give your sweetie a choc-o-leet!

Friday, October 15, 2004

Happy Pre-anniversary to us!

Exactly 365 days from today will be my wedding day. We will be married on Sweetest Day! Tonight, Scott is taking me out on a date. We are going here to get the Thai Lettuce Wraps. I luhhhve them! I will also probably get a slice of lemon cheesecake with raspberry coolie. Yummm!

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Back Fat !?!

I was listening to Good Morning America in the car this morning on my commute to work. Diane Sawyer was doing a health report on back fat. Yes, people, BACK FAT! Now, I know this is a condition that affects many women, myself included. But, please, Diane, we DO NOT want to talk about it, and we CERTAINLY do not want to see a fashion show of before and after models sporting their pre and post back fat fashions! Keep in mind, I was only listening to it on the radio, but can you imagine actually seeing it?

I tell ya, it was too much!

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Bon Voyage!

Today we had a party for a co-worker who is retiring. Even though I really like my new job, I’m jealous!

On another note, Blogger has been giving me trouble lately, so if it looks like I don’t post for a long time then write a slew of stuff, it’s not my fault.

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Toonces toolin' around!

Today I was out on the road with one of my new employees. It was fun going around to all the stores and visiting with people! Definitely not as stressful! When we finally got back into the office, my day was almost over! I got to go home at 3 PM and have dinner ready (almost) when Scott got home. I made him chicken and stuffing and salad for dinner, and we also sent a plate to his Mom, who lives upstairs. I tell ya, I’m gonna be such a good daughter-in-law!

Monday, October 11, 2004

I'm sleepin' in!

Happy Columbus day! I have the day off! Wheee! Scott does not! Whee…OH! Uh….. Waaah! (ahem - sorry hunnee!)
I spent much of my day doing laundry and being crafty. A great way to spend the day off!

Sunday, October 10, 2004

Spooky Maaaaatha!

Today we went to the Boston Public Library. I got Martha Stewart’s Halloween book, to get ideas for our party. I especially liked her pumpkin carving ideas!

Saturday, October 09, 2004


Scott and I are having a Halloween party. So, today Scott and I decided to get a jump on the cleaning part. We cleaned the kitchen, the living room and the bathroom. Also Scott’s brother Patrick is coming over tonight so they can watch bad Godzilla movies and eat Halloween candy. I will be making myself waaaaaaay scarce!

Friday, October 08, 2004

Taken advantage of

Today was an interesting day. Part of my responsibilities in my new job is to train my successor. On Monday, I had informed her that because of scheduling difficulties, I usually covered the 6AM phone shift on Friday mornings. I said I would be willing to help her out with that for the next 2 weeks so she would have time to change the schedule around if she chose to. So, that is what I did today. I got up at O-dark-thirty and drove into work in time to make it in for 6AM. My successor waltzed in at 10AM, didn’t even say thank you for my help, so I decided right then I would not be doing that again.

Thursday, October 07, 2004

‘Lil furnace

I have been accused of being a ‘lil furnace when I am sleeping (insert your own early menopause joke here). Scott has taken to waiting until I get up to go to the loo and while I am gone, he rolls onto my side of the bed and steals all my warmth! So, when I get back I have to fight him for my side of the bed again! Grr!

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

The I Hate You Show.

How's a show supposed to develop a following when they mess with the schedule all the time? First it was on Tuesdays, then they changed it to Wednesdays, now it is only on at 5AM on Fridays, and they are only showing repeats! Anyone have any idea what it going on? I LIKED that show!

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

New Job day 2

My new job is.....well, boring, actually. I will be spending much of my time this week and next week training my successor. To be completely honest, I have reservation as to how well she will work out, but I will keep a positive attitude and hope for the best.

In other more exciting news, Scott and I are going to have a Halloween party! We are having fun planning a menu, purchasing necessary supplies, and deciding how to decorate. OOh, it will be so fun!

Happy Birthday to my sister-in-law!

Monday, October 04, 2004

New Job

It's official and I can talk about it now: I got promoted! I am now in charge of the operations side of the Single Copy Division, AND I'm also in charge of the Information Systems (our computers). The Customer Service division is no longer my responsibility! Yay!

Seriously, after 4 years, it is time for a change. Plus, it will be really nice to not have to worry about people calling in sick, scheduling for holidays, office arguements, etc.

I certainly will be sleeping a lot better now!

Sunday, October 03, 2004

Why I'm happy I grew up in Maine

Mom and I made applesauce today. We have always had homemade applesauce growing up. It is so easy to make, and I like my applesauce tart. We always loved it when Mom forgot to take the applesauce out of the freezer for dinner - it was like getting to eat apple ice cream!


Saturday, October 02, 2004

Susan part 2

Went to the dealership today. They are going to get me a jack for my car, and I will be reimbursed for what I had to pay to get my tire changed.

Mom and I went shopping today, also. She is trying to get some last minute things for her cruise. We couldn't find any water wings.

Friday, October 01, 2004

Susan, you have failed me

My car had a flat today. I discovered it at 5AM. Long story short, I discovered the guy who sold me my car sold it without a jack and he also gave me the wrong roadside assistance pamphlet, so I had to pay to have my tire changed!

A trip to the dealership is in order, and I'm packing a can of whop-ass!
