
Daisypath Ticker

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Sniffle part deux...

Day 2 of Scott being home from work. Tonight I made him a yummy dinner of fish and broccoli, hoping that it will help him feel better and cure what ails him.

I got a letter from my Mom today. In it, she included my list of duties I had apparently left behind when I was home for Thanksgiving. At least she didn’t shred it! Hee!

Monday, November 29, 2004


Scott is sick today. He has a history of sinus problems and this morning he was not feeling (or looking) good at all. He actually called in sick, which is the first time he has done that in the 3+ years I have known him. Poor guy…

Sunday, November 28, 2004

Clean, clean clean!

Today was a cleaning day. We have the Reptile Room almost at the point where we feel comfortable having friends and family over. All we have to do is get the computer desk repaired and I think we will be good to go!

Saturday, November 27, 2004

Bridget Jones Edge of Reason

Scott took me to see this movie today. It solidified a lot of things in my mind – strangely, about the wedding. The church we wanted to get married at closed earlier this year. There is a chapel nearby, but it is very old and there is a cemetery in the courtyard. It seemed creepy to have our guests walk through a cemetery to get to the chapel, so we decided not to get married there.

At the end of the movie, there is a wedding scene, and the chapel that the couple gets married at has a cemetery in the courtyard, just like our chapel. So, I think we’ll take a look and see if this chapel is big enough to accommodate 75 or so guests. It will be a very English, old-fashioned sort of wedding. Yeah. Sounds good to me!

Friday, November 26, 2004

Blog Explosion

I have recently been surfing WAY too much on Blog Explosion. I have not mentioned it before, because it seems so many people know about it, it didn’t seem to make much sense. But today, I just have to share. Blog Explosion is very cool and very addictive, especially those mystery credits. Today, I was the proud recipient of 25 mystery credits, and not 2 blogs later, won 100 mystery credits.

Oh, yeah…

Thursday, November 25, 2004

Happy Thanksgiving!

Today while Mom cooked, I put up her Christmas tree. It was Thanksgiving in the kitchen, and Christmas in the living room! I love Mom's house at Christmas time. It's always so warm and inviting, and the tree always looks so nice. There is always a debate as to whether there will be tinsel on the tree. I never put it on, Mom always says she is going to skip it "this year", and every time I come home for Christmas, she has tinselled the tree. It looks awesome!

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Short day

Went on the road with Arthur today (my last trip with him) and then it's off to Mom's! Hope the rain will hold out...

Tuesday, November 23, 2004


Today we were supposed to have a meeting, but it got cancelled, because my coworker (the one who is training for my job) decided to take the day off. Fine.

But then I got a call this morning, saying she forgot to provide extra staffing for the afternoon, and could I answer the phones from noon to 7PM?

I said no. Part of me feels bad, but if the tables had been turned, she would have gone right to my boss and complained. So, she's going to have to take the heat for this one...

Monday, November 22, 2004

Another Monday...

Another day on the road. I'm glad I don't have to be in the office, though. I'm tired of getting the hairy eyeball from the problem child. I only have a few more trips on the road to go - and I'm going to be kinds sad when it is over - I'm getting to like it! Scott will be happy when I am done - it will mean no more horrible early mornings!

Sunday, November 21, 2004


Dinner was good! I made a 14 pound turkey, stuffing, potatoes, peas, crescent rolls, pumpkin ie and my favorite, Cranberry Wobbler Salad. Mom makes it for Thanksgiving dinner every year, and I love it!

Today we went to a Christening for Kaylyn, my new niece. It was a nice party. Scott spent much of it chasing after Amanda, his God-Daughter. I'm glad I got pictures, I haven't decided who was cuter!

Saturday, November 20, 2004


Can't talk.....gotta cook a bird!

Friday, November 19, 2004

Happy Thanksgiving!

A little early.. Tonight I am going to get the groceries for my first Thanksgiving, which I am having tomorrow with Scott and his Mom. On the "real" Thanksgiving, I am going to Mom's.

And I'm not gonna eat turkey for an entire year when all the leftovers are gone!

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Evaluation Day

I was right. He came into the meeting with an attitude. I read the first part, asked if he has any questions or wanted something clarified, and his comment was "I have nothing to say." So, I plowed on. He didn't like what he heard, and eventually started in with his "This is not fair, this is personal." At this point, his new manager (who was present in the meeting) said: "It's not personal, I have seen examples of these issues just in the few weeks you have been reporting to me. It's not personal, because I agree with her."

Then we discussed his action plan. At our company, anytime you have lower than a 3.0, you have to write an action plan and have a follow-up evaluation in 90 days. He didn't know what to write. I said to take the document home and think about it and have something ready by Monday. He continued to scoff and I asked if he had any more questions, and he said no, so that was the end of it.

As I figured he would, he went right to Human Resources. He was there for about 1/2 hour. During this time, the other person who was working the phones was getting aggrivated, because he was not helping her with the incoming calls (this was one of the things I pointed out in his review - people don't like to work with him because he does not pull his weight). Then, he met with his new supervisor for a while. He couldn't meet with my director - he was out of the office.

He passed in his action plan that afternoon. It read : "I will try not to make any more mistakes. I will try to not have an attitude." And that was it. His new supervisor told him that it was not detailed enough, that he needs to take it home and work on it over the weekend, and he said he couldn't, because he had already ripped it up.

My director came back just as I was leaving for the day. I spoke with him briefly, told him what was going on, and my director said he knew, he was out of his office on purpose because he didn't want to have to deal with the employee. The employee followed him out the door when he left...

So that was my day...

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Melrose Place

Thanks to the soap network, and I again addicted to Melrose Place. I watched it faithfully when it was on Fox, and now I find myself watching it again - instead of Rachel Ray!

Oh, I wish it would come out on DVD!

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Preview to Thursday

Thursday is going to be a tough day. Let me explain why: I am giving a performance evaluation, and it is not going to be pretty. It is also not going to be biased, personal, or untrue. This person has lost customers, blamed mistakes on his co-workers, gossiped about many of his co-workers (and about me as well), and despite many meetings and retraining sessions, he continues to make the same mistakes over and over again. He is getting a 2.17 out of 5.

He is going to think that my assessment of his performance is based on my personal opinion of him. He is wrong. I worked very hard to make sure my assessment is fair and honest. My director read it and approved. The person who I am training to take over my job has read it and agrees with what I wrote. None of this will matter. He will accuse me of being unfair. He will complain to my boss, and then he will go to Human Resources.

None of this will help him. The only thing that will help him improve his work performance is himself. And now that he does not report to me, he will no longer have the "excuse" that my assessment was unfair and personal.

I have lost no sleep over this.

Monday, November 15, 2004

Pop Quiz

Today I was on hte road again with Arthur. He drove me all around Westport and told me stories of his youth - he grew up there. Little did I know, he gave me a little quiz on the way back! Oops! I failed! But not really - he should have told me I needed to stay awake! Hee...

Sunday, November 14, 2004

2 in a row?

Goodness, I'm bad. Today was much like yesterday. I worked on my crafts (almost done!) and cleaned a little. Gotta get in gear!

Saturday, November 13, 2004

Lazy Day...

Goodness, I was lazy today. I didn't leave the house, spent the morning lazing about and then decided to make Cranberry Orange bread. Yum! Mom used to make that every Christmas, and I remember I sliced the dickens out of my finger one time trying to cut myself a piece.

The rest of the day? I worked on my craft project and watched movies....

Friday, November 12, 2004


Tonight I made Sechuan for dinner. It was pretty good! I used Birds Eye sechuan veggies and cooked them up with some stew meat. Yum!

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Thank you.

To my brothers and all the other brave men and women (and canines) who have served our great country, I thank you.

That is all.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

The Incredibles

What a SUPER flick! Scott and I went to see it tonight (a mid-week date night!) and we really enjoyed it. We both had the same thought when it was over: Disney is screwed...

After the movie, we went to Uno's for dinner, and I was a bit disappointed. I got the Chicken and Broccoli Fettucini, and the noodles were overcooked. Blah.

And the best part? Getting to sleep in on a Thursday! Wheee!

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Uh, whoops...

Today I was supposed to be on the road with Larry. I overslept. Good thing, because I had a staff meeting.

I am back toy working on my "project". With any luck, I will be done with the stitching by Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 08, 2004

Craftiness, yumminess

I really need to buckle down and work on my craft project or I will never get it completed in time!

Scott and I had this for dessert tonight. We figured we better snatch it up pretty quick, as they have no reason to make it anymore (except that it's delish!)


Sunday, November 07, 2004

The List

Everytime I come home, Mom usually has a list for me. The list consists of little jobs she wants me to do, groceries we need when we go to WalMart (and we always go at least once), things she doesn't want me to leave without, etc. I take great pride in crossing the things off the list as I complete them. Sometimes if I do something that wasn't on the list, I'll write it down and cross it off immediately. It's very satisfying! I THOUGHT Mom kept these lists in a file so whenever I did something stupid, I'd have all these credits built up.

Today, after I finished the things on the list, I caught Mom SHREDDING THE LIST!!!


Saturday, November 06, 2004

Yo Queiro Taco Bell

Today was a typical day on a visit to Mom's. We went SHOPPING!!! A trip to the Christmas Tree Shop was enough to make us feel a little lighter than yesterday. Then of course, we had lunch at Taco Bell, Mom's (and my) favorite. It's sad when you have to drive an hour and a half to get a decent taco...

It's even sadder when one thinks of a meal at Taco Bell as "decent"...

Friday, November 05, 2004

My Sandy

Today was the memorial for my (and Mom's) friend Sandy. I came to Maine for the weekend, and after the service Mom and I went to Wal-Mart to pick up a few things and then we had dinner at Olive Garden.

Tough day...

Thursday, November 04, 2004

You know it's going to be a rough day....

when you get in the car to go to work and realize you forgot to rinse the conditioner out of your hair....


Wednesday, November 03, 2004

I thought 2 fers were for Tuesdays...

I did a double trip today, so I'm doubly pooped!

I am purposely not mentioning the election because I'm quite frankly tired of it. I voted, though. I always vote, because it hasn't been that long since women were not permitted to vote. In fact, the last time the Red Sox won the world series (before this glorious year) women were not permitted to vote. So I voted, dammit. And so should you.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Okay, this is getting old...

I have been on the road various days over the past 3 weeks and I'm ready for it to be done. I'm not complaining, believe me, 'cause I'd much rather do this that get those 4M phone calls from someone who is "sick" and unable to work, but I'm exhausted!

In other news, I have not picked up my stitching in 3 weeks, and if I don't get off my bunnies soon and get back into it, I am going to be in a world of panic in a few short weeks!

Monday, November 01, 2004


All you Friends fans out there will recognize this.

I hate it when people steal jokes and then try to pass them off as their own.