
Daisypath Ticker

Friday, April 15, 2005

It's official!

I have put the deposit on the reception hall. What a struggle that was. If you read my post dated April 13th, you will see that the restaurant where I was going to have my reception was trying to force me to pay more money than they originally quoted, simply because the function was a wedding. When I spoke with them Wednesday, the lady said she would have to check with the General manager and get his approval. It sounded like they were trying to sell me a car! The lady told me she would be out Thursday, but that she would have her associate call me and let me know what the decision was. Surprise, no one called.

So this morning, I called and left the lady a voice mail message, then waited a couple of hours. I called back, and when she didn't answer, I pressed '0" to get the operator (Hey, she said I could if it was an emergency, and this was.). I asked to speak to the lady I just called, and they put me right through. (Someone was not answering her phone...grr....)

I explained who I was, and long story short, the lady hadn't checked with the manager, and could she call me right back. I said yes, but I honestly felt this was a stalling tactic, and that she would not call me back.

I was surprised when she called me back right away, and said "Of course you can have what you requested. No problem. Let me transfer you to "blah" and we can take your deposit."

Funny how their whole attitude changed when I became a paying customer rather than a potential one. I am very hopeful that I don't live to regret this decision.

So, to those who thought they may have to eat PB&J sandwiches on the steps of the church, you can breathe a sigh of relief.

I know I am....

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Future Brides Beware

I tell ya, people will do anything to make a buck.

The place where I wanted to hold my reception is trying to scam me. I called and got a price quote for a "family reunion", which would include the room rental and a luncheon buffet for 75-100 people. Fine, no problems.

Change that to a wedding reception, and the price triples. Why, you ask? Because you can't serve a buffet at a wedding reception. And if you do dare to serve a buffet, it has to be the higher priced (but virtually the same food) DINNER buffet. And you really shouldn't do a buffet at all, because at weddings, people expect there to be elegance, and it isn't elegant when you have to get up and get your own food.

Excuse me...(dramatic pause)...

My family will have no problem getting in line to get their meal. I was at a wedding last summer where there was a buffet and I had absolutely NO PROBLEM AT ALL getting my own food. it was lovely, and I heard no one complaining about the lack of "elegance". Scott's family will have no problem getting in line to get their meal - it was his niece's wedding.

I have no intention of having dinner served at 1 in the afternoon. That's ridiculous. I don't want a big fancy schmancy affair - that's why we want a LUNCHEON!!!

So, yesterday, this guy says that I can't do a luncheon wedding because it would reflect badly on the "reputation of the restaurant". WHA? I wonder how forcing a client to pay more money for something they don't really want in the first place will reflect on the "reputation of the restaurant"?

I finally got through to someone who seemed rational about the whole thing and pled my case. They faxed me a price list, which is the same as a quote, and they were perfectly willing to take my business when it was just a family reunion. They should not be allowed to jack the price on me now that it is a wedding. There should be no problem at all. (I say should - the lady still has to make sure it is okay with the restaurant manager. They are getting back to me tomorrow.)

I hope people are prepared to eat PB&J on the steps of the church because that's what it may come to. Wish me luck...

Monday, April 11, 2005

April already?

I can't believe how time has flown by. I have been extremely busy at work, and with trying to plan a wedding, blogging as been nearly impossible. Here's what's been going on:
  • I have a reception hall for the wedding.
  • I have the invitations - Scott and I are doing our own.
  • I have the table centerpieces.
  • I have changed my colors from maroon to plum and lilac.
  • I picked up the dress for the flower girl for a song. Hope my wedding dress is as easy to find...
  • Work has been crazy busy, but it will be calming down very soon and I will be able to breathe again on my own.
  • I got a very nice compliment from a Circ Director at one of our sister newspapers, and three different people have come to me to tell me what he said. (My director was one of the people - Yay!)

I'm going to really try to be better at posting (I can't seem to get my e-mail post to work) - and my next step is to update my wedding blog. (funny story - Scott and I were walking around the neighborhood one day after dinner last week, and he said "You know, we should really set up a web site for our wedding." I said, "umm...we already have one. I just haven't had time to update anything."

Whoops. But to be fair, if he had even looked at my blog once in a while, he'd know that already. Yeah.

Saturday, April 09, 2005


Camilla Barker Bowles got married today.

Before me.


(Sorry, Mom, I know that's rude, but COME ON!!! Camilla Parker Bowles!?!)