
Daisypath Ticker

Friday, July 30, 2004


Okay, I need to vent:

I have been reading a new blog, and I often read archives, to gather a little info about the person, to see if I want to continue reading, you know the drill...

I came across a link that sent me to a blog written by a woman who is currently going through some rough times. Single mother, deadbeat father, big time debt incurred from MIA deadbeat father, newly laid off, federal help available, but in the WAY too distant future, basically, a LOT of need and NO $$. I really felt bad for her, especially since in her blog she was basically pleading her case and kind of begging for help. She ended up getting it, to the tune of $800.00, at last count. She went to great lengths to point out that she was a proud person, and she was basically forced to do this by some well meaning friends.

And then I read her archives. She writes posts like: "I'm depressed. Wanna cheer me up?" with a link to Amazon.com. Or, she'll talk about how she got a kitten for her kids, but she doesn't know how she's going to feed it, and *plink* What's this? A link to Pet-Smart. No less than 10 times did I see a "Oh, poor me" post with a link to either Amazon or Pet-Smart.

Turned me right off.

I want a kitten

That's all I have to say today.

Thursday, July 29, 2004

Change of Plans

Hmm... a weekend to myself.  My FIRST weekend to myself, actually, since I moved.  What EVER will I do with myself?

I suppose I should get some cleaning done.  At the very least, I should be able to complete my TO DO list with more success than I have been able to so far.  I may even tackle the science report of a fridge.  Eww..

This will also give me the opporunity to get some good thinking done.  I need to get back to writing in my journal - it helps me deal with  the sadness I feel sometimes.

Oh, yes, and there will be some MAJOR taco eating, of that you can be sure!

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

How'd I do?


I got 2 boxes unpacked and put away.   According to my sister Amy, that's a good goal to stick to.  She hasn't seen my house..... 

Monday, July 26, 2004

TO DO List

I  have been so busy lately I really need to prioritize my projects.  First priority is the house. 

I need to:
  • Move the boxes out of the bathroom and bring them downstairs and unpack them.
  • Finish unpacking the boxes in the kitchen.
  • Bring the stuff in front of the stairs down stairs.
  • Go through the tupperware and toss anything that does not have a lid.
  • Put the boxes downstairs in the closet.
  • Set up the computer.

This, along with the regular cleaning things I want to do SHOULD motivate me to not sit on my ASS when I get home tonight (IF I get home tonight).