
Daisypath Ticker

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

A tale of sweetness

A few weeks ago, Scott and I were watching TV. It was 10 PM and we were watching Forensic Files or a similar show about people who were horrible murdered and how the cops caught the killers. Scott told me these shows really creeped him out, and asked could I try to refrain from watching them right before bed time? I, of course, was oblivious, and used these types of shows to fall asleep to. I had no idea that long after I was asleep, Scott was still wide awake, trying to determine if the noise he just heard was a noisy pipe or some thug trying to break into our apartment and beat us unrecognizable.

So, I started surfing and found the Home and Garden channel. I instantly fell in love with the programming, and have been obsessed with owning a home ever since. Scott, being the super guy he is (and apparently grateful for a good nights sleep), bought me this as a present. Awwwwwwww........(barf!)


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